YAMA – external restraints
NIYAMA – internal restraints
ASANA – poses
PRANAYAMA – breath control
PRATYAHARA – withdrawal of senses, drawing against the grain of the sensory organs
DHARANA – concentration
DHYANA – meditation
SAMADHI – oneness with cosmic spirit
purpose, life-work, duty
AVIDYA – Ignorance, Separation from True Self
Four types of Avidya:
RAGA – Attachment
DVESHA – Aversion
ABHINIVESHA – Fear of Impermanence, fear of death
FLEXION – decreasing of space between thigh and torso (AMS is flexion)
EXTENSION – increasing of space between thigh and torso (Tadasana and Bhujanghasana are both hip extension poses)
ABDUCTION – moving the leg away from the mid-line (sagittal plane)
ADDUCTION – moving leg across the mid-line (sagittal plane)
INTERNAL ROTATION – rotating the leg in, towards the mid-line (sagittal plane), knee points in
EXTERNAL ROTATION – rotating the leg out, away from the mid-line (sagittal plane), knee points out
SAGITTAL – divides body into left and right halves
FRONTAL – divides body into front and back halves
TRANSVERSE – divides body into top and bottom halves
X AXIS – the car wheel axis. When you forward fold, you are moving the torso on the X Axis
Y AXIS – the LP/DVD axis. When you turn the head left and right, you’re moving on the Y Axis
Z AXIS – the steering wheel axis. When you hike one hip higher than the other, that’s the Z Axis