[caption id="attachment_809" align="alignnone" width="467"] photo: Yoga Art + Science[/caption]
A week of Supta Padangusthasana! Actually, more like two weeks...
At the heart of a Purna Yoga practice is the willingness to accept growth and change, to live a life of aspiration. For me, that means sometimes setting goals, milestones or markers on my practice. While you have to keep the setting of asana goals...
Last week, my chosen "every day" pose was Setu Bandha Sarvangasana. I picked this pose for two reasons: I don't particularly like it and I felt like my psoas, quadratus lumborum and erector spinae muscles were tight. I hoped in picking Setu Bandha to develop...
Lately, I seem to find myself doing a fair amount of sitting in chairs. As a result, my psoas as well as erector spinae and quadratus lumborum muscles tighten up. I've noticed this tightness in all of my poses lately not to mention that achey...
Garudasana is one of the key poses for maintaining and increasing shoulder mobility. And it's super easy to do while seated at your desk. Click through to get the steps to practice this pose....
Last week I announced my "every day" pose for the week to be Parshvakonasana. My intentions in practicing this pose were to balance my asymmetry between my left and right sides and to work on two main actions: flowing the hamstring of the front leg...
I've been talking for a while in class about what I call "every day" poses, meaning a single pose that I practice every day for a week. Picking and practicing an "every day" pose gives me the opportunity to watch a single pose change physically...