24 Feb Monday Morning Meditation
Learn the basics of Heartfull Meditation and join a group of long-standing meditators for 30 minutes of guided, dynamic meditation to start your week centered, focused, and connected to your spirit....
Learn the basics of Heartfull Meditation and join a group of long-standing meditators for 30 minutes of guided, dynamic meditation to start your week centered, focused, and connected to your spirit....
Explore Purna Yoga 828 monthly topics for 2024....
Why we use Sanskrit in Purna Yoga 828 classes, and a brief introduction to both the Gayatri Mantra and Sri Aurobindo's Gayatri. ...
Purna Yoga guides us to turn inward to connect with our inner wisdom, the voice of our Heart Center, the essence of our true Self. ...
Explore Purna Yoga 828 monthly topics for 2024....
Starting January 4th, we're adding a meditation-centered class to our weekly schedule! Join Whitney and Letitia as they share the teaching duties for this new class that centers the practice of Yoga as more than just physical....
Let the practice of Brahmacharya – control of the creative force – be your applied philosophy focus for the month of April. Here are some ways you can practice....
Let this quote guide your meditation today. Use it to help you feel awakened to the meaning of your heart, and aspire to move through this day guided by love and oneness. ...
At every moment we must shake off the past like falling dust, that it may not soil the virgin path which, at every moment also, is opening before us. ...
The better solution to feeling blue, according to neuroscientists is feeling grateful, because gratitude boosts the neurotransmitters dopamine and seratonin. Feeling gratitude makes your brain feel happy....