22 Aug 2024 Still time to get the recordings: Great Yoga Wall Level 2 Training
Great Yoga Wall™ Training (Level 2) with Letitia Walker
- Pre-recorded training available Oct. 18th
- Live class January 24-26, 2025
See full schedule below
A message from Letitia about these changes:
As you may know, Asheville is in a state of emergency, devastated by Hurricane Helene. Given the extensive damage and ongoing recovery efforts, we are absolutely certain that no one should travel to Asheville in October. We are canceling the in-person version of this training currently scheduled. There is also no way to be certain that I will have reliable internet access by October 18th to run the training as an online event. As a result, we are postponing the live version of this training until January. However, if you have access to a yoga wall or rope wall, we can send you recordings from 2022 as well as a digital manual (if you signed up for that package) on October 18th—just click the orange button above to sign up!
Since the beginning of yoga, it has been understood that the human body is constantly under the stress of gravity. Compression of the spine, the joints, and the nervous system, leads to pain, loss of mobility, and aging of the body. The effects of gravity can be reversed, though, by using traction to create space and alignment in the body.
Ancient yogis used vines, tree branches, and whatever was at hand to add traction to their practice. In the late 1960s and early 70s, B. K. S. Iyengar started working with ropes attached to the wall. In the 1980s, Kedric Wolfe, Aadil Palkhivala, and Bryan Legere created The Great Yoga Wall™, an infinitely adjustable version of the Iyengar rope wall that took traction to the next level.
In this weekend workshop, Letitia – directly trained by Aadil and Bryan – will help teachers and home practitioners alike discover how to use this fun, multi-faceted, powerful prop to help students and themselves go deeper into their yoga practice. Learn a new way to make asana accessible to a wider variety of students with this unique tool.
VERY well done!!! So clear, so professional, so precise. From the detailed manual to the clear instructions and explanations, I am truly savoring this training. – Online Student from Singapore
Due to the time change and a family commitment I wasn't able to attend the training live, but I found the recordings and the demos of each pose as shown during the training combined with the detailed presentation of the manual to be so thorough and clear that I didn't miss anything by not being able to join live. – Online Student from England
The Level Two training will apply the initial principles of Wall-use introduced in Level One to more intermediate and advanced poses (like Headstand, Shoulderstand, and Handstand) as well as focusing more attention on therapeutic applications of the Wall, specifically Low Back health and other spinal issues, though other topics like shoulder strengthening, adrenal fatigue, and thyroid support will be touched on. Approximately 50% of the work of this training will require a partner, either to help manage the wall belts during the pose or to provide another mode of support or tension to either push into or pull away from. In-studio students will be working together as partners and at-home participants will benefit from having a fellow practitioner to work with.
- Hip, Knee, and Low Back Therapeutics
- Standing Poses
- Upper Back and Shoulder applications
- Inversions
- Twists, Backbends, and Forward Folds
- how to assess variations for efficacy and tailor each pose for you or your students
- how to sequence Wall-oriented classes
The Great Yoga Wall Level 2 Weekend Training has three pricing tiers to choose from:
- Tier One: Recording Only for $375 gives two month’s access to the recordings from the weekend
- Tier Two: Manual + More Package for $525 includes the Level Two manual, 2-month access to the training recordings, and access to 9 pre-recorded, 90-minute classes.
- Tier Three: Yearlong Great Yoga Wall Package for $1500 includes the Level Two manual, Level One and Level Two videos, access to all training videos for one year, attendance to our Saturday Great Wall classes for one year, and a 60-minute consult with Letitia.
- Virtual students (especially international ones) are recommended to register by September 12th to ensure receipt of the manual in time for the training.
- Register by September 15th for the Manual + More Package to get a bonus 30-minute private with Letitia.
- Previous attendees ONLY of Level Two training may join a single session for $95 and have access to the recordings from that session until December 20th. Please register for a single session using our online calendar.
Deepen and refine your knowledge of Wall Work by dropping in for individual sessions for $95 or join us for the entire training for $265 (50% discount!). Sign up for individual sessions via the online calendar. Email us to get your discounted rate payment link for the entire training.
The following props are recommended. For at home participants, to get the most out of this experience, it would be helpful to have the following. We’ll have all of this for students to use at the studio.
- at least two wall belts, ideally four
- a sling
- a yoga strap
- blocks and a blanket
- a wall bar (optional – alternatives will be given to those without)
- bungee set (optional – alternatives will be given to those without)
- wall hook (optional – alternatives will be given to those without)
Register below or call Purna Yoga 828
Level 2 Training Schedule
Hip, Knee, & Low Back Therapeutics
5 pm – 8 pm EDT
Learn how to use traction to create space in the hip joints, realign the knee while strengthening the quads, relieve compression in the lumbar spine, and support yourself and your students when experiencing Low Back Pain.
Standing Poses & Inversions
9 am – 12 pm EDT
Start up right-side up and then go upside-down with the Level 2 training Standing Poses and Inversions, including Shirsasana, Sarvangasana, and Adho Mukha Vrksasana (Headstand, Shoulderstand, and Handstand).
Twists & Forward Folds
2 pm – 5 pm EDT
Build on the Twists from the Level 1 training and explore the central principles for using the Wall to deepen forward bends.
Upper Body and Backbends
9 am – 12 pm EDT
Learn more bungee applications for upper body strengthening, explore the Level 2 poses for developing greater flexibility in the thoracic spine, and discover the effects on your Backbend practice.
Sequencing and Q & A
1:30 – 2:30 pm EDT
Letitia shares how to think about sequencing Wall-oriented classes and answers questions from the training.
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