17 Sep 2015 Moving towards greater health…
September is flying by, and before we know it the holidays will be here. For some of us, the fall holidays bring less than ideal food choices from Halloween candy to Thanksgiving feasts to Christmas cookies. Mountain Air Wellness‘ Group Detox gives the opportunity to embrace health and solidify your eating habits, so you can make informed choices throughout the holiday season rather than feeling like you succumbed to the parade of treats that is October through December.
As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, the yogic observance of saucha (cleanliness) is crucial for letting go of the past and being in the now. Dirtiness is the building up of the past, both literally and energetically. When the body is dirty, it is still holding on to the remnants of the past. When the house is dirty, dusty, or cluttered, it is layered under the days that have past. In practicing saucha, we are removing those layers of the past, from our bodies, our homes, our cars. This practice can also be applied to the liver, the organ of detoxification.
I did my first group detox (first cleanse ever, actually) with Dr. Resa Johnson in the spring of 2011, and I’ve been recommending them to others ever since. I finished the cleanse feeling younger, more energized, and with a greater understanding of how what I eat affects my body and my health. I successfully cut caffeine from my life and discovered by eliminating dairy, my asthma symptoms became practically non-existent. I slept better and felt more alert throughout the day, free of brain fog. Doing the detox solidified for me the idea that health begins with what you eat.
Dr. Resa says:
Our detox protocol is a chance to engage in a transformative experience that will show you the power you have to feel better–not in months or years, but in a few WEEKS. This is a REBOOT for your entire system. It will reset your biology and metabolism, enabling you to reverse chronic symptoms and effortlessly break free of your cravings and lose weight (if that is your goal). Our clients have found this program to be a way to quickly and profoundly change their lives just by changing a few basic things: what you eat, how you move, how you sleep, how you recharge, and how you connect.
But if our detox does nothing else but show you that you can CHANGE your life, that you can eat in a way that creates effortless appetite control and curb cravings, that you can LOSE weight and keep it off, that you can get your DIABETES and BLOOD PRESSURE under control–then we have accomplished our mission.
The group detox is the single most important thing I have done for my health outside of practicing yoga.
So, what does the Detox entail? Dr. Resa explains the three stages of the Detox:
1. Preparation Phase – We are often locked into habits without recognizing their effect on us. Most of us are drug addicts and don’t realize it. Sugar, caffeine, junk food and alcohol all affect our ability to function and though they temporarily make us feel better, they often deplete us in a deeper way. Taking a “drug holiday” is an important way to discover how you really feel and give yourself the opportunity to tune in to your own body’s signals for hunger, sleep and relaxation. Taking this “drug” holiday is powerful enough to totally change your health and help you lose weight quickly. In this phase you will also remove the most common food allergens: gluten, dairy products and soy.
Take a risk! If you do nothing else, doing this will change your life.
2. Detoxification Phase – The liver is the largest metabolically active organ in the body. It is the primary organ in charge of the body’s detoxification system. It plays a vital role as an internal power plant. The liver processes foods, drugs, and medications absorbed from the digestive system, enabling the body to use them effectively and then dispose of them. It manufactures and exports substances like bile, cholesterol, triglycerides for use elsewhere in the body. The detox is designed to assist the important functions of the liver as a “garbage collector and recycler”. To assist with this process, a special medical food will be picked for you from the extensive questionnaires filled out. Along with the medical food, two special soups will added this week while you are on a liquid-only schedule. During this phase, besides weight loss, you can expect to feel more energetic, to sleep better, and to be rid of chronic sinus and digestive problems and headaches.
3. Reintroduction Phase – During this phase, you will start to reintroduce the foods that have a potential for intolerances. During reintroduction, you can monitor their effects on your health. (e.g. If you get a stomachache or your nose stuffs up when you eat dairy products, it is best to stay away from them.) This phase solidifies the hormone and immune changes in your body and allows you to reset your metabolism for the long term. This phase is really just a start for the rest of your life.
Variety, fun, nourishment, pleasure, color and wholeness are essential for making this way of eating exciting for the rest of your life!
The classes consist of 3 group meetings and one week of intensive detox at home.
The dates for the classes are: Tuesday, October 20th, Tuesday, November 3rd, and Monday, November 16th
The detox intensive dates are November 9th through the 13th. All classes are held at Mountain Air Wellness’ Asheville office and begin at 6:30 pm.
For more information, or to register, please call Mountain Air Wellness @ 828-255-0007.
Sign up by October 12th to participate.
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