Practice vital self-care with Reset & Restore to improve your ability to manage stress, cultivate compassion for self and others, and reconnect to the light within you and the joy in your heart....
Restorative yoga is a vital self-care practice that cultivates compassion for yourself and others. Let go of your workday stresses and reconnect to the light within you and the joy in your heart with Reset & Restore 4-week series....
Allow the soothing sounds of the harp to deepen your restorative yoga experience in this in-studio specialty class led by life-long musician and restorative yoga aficionado, Melody Cooper. ...
Allow the soothing sounds of the harp to deepen your restorative yoga experience in this in-studio workshop led by life-long musician and restorative yoga aficionado, Melody Cooper. ...
Restorative yoga is a vital self-care practice that cultivates compassion for yourself and others. Let go of your workday stresses and reconnect to the light within you and the joy in your heart with Reset & Restore 6-week series....
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I'm taking Ovid's advice today and resting. For the first time in my life, I am not a super-busy, million-things-on-my-plate, over-extended person, and this has been the state of my existence for nine months now. ...