07 Nov 2013 Busyness is Lazyness.
This year has been the least busy year of my life and for that I’m truly grateful. An article I read this morning on elephantjournal.com helped me clarify this for myself.
Magic is actually very down to earth. It’s a part of our lives. It’s going on all the time, we just don’t see it. But when you actually take care of yourself, work with yourself and create openness in your life, life will respond by cooperating. And when you are unwilling to relate with yourself at the beginning of your day, your life is going to give you a hard time.
The above quote is part of a longer article adapted from a talk Dr. Reggie Ray gave as part of his Meditating with the Body retreat.
And how does the magic happen? Through meditation.
Make time to sit with yourself today. It will be worth it.
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