30 Mar April 19th: Start Yoga Now Beginners’ Series
Gain strength & flexibility, learn how to handle stress more effectively, and build a deeper connection to yourself with Start Yoga Now, 6-week series for beginners....
Gain strength & flexibility, learn how to handle stress more effectively, and build a deeper connection to yourself with Start Yoga Now, 6-week series for beginners....
Gain strength & flexibility, learn how to handle stress more effectively, and build a deeper connection to yourself with Start Yoga Now, 6-week series for beginners....
Gain strength & flexibility, learn how to handle stress more effectively, and build a deeper connection to yourself with Start Yoga Now, 6-week series for beginners....
Gain strength & flexibility, learn how to handle stress more effectively, and build a deeper connection to yourself with Start Yoga Now, 6-week series for beginners....
Gain strength & flexibility, learn how to handle stress more effectively, and build a deeper connection to yourself with Start Yoga Now, 6-week series for beginners....
Gain strength & flexibility, learn how to handle stress more effectively, and build a deeper connection to yourself with Start Yoga Now, 6-week series for beginners. Wednesday mornings, 9:00-10:15 am. ...
Gain strength & flexibility, learn how to handle stress more effectively, and build a deeper connection to yourself with Start Yoga Now, 6-week series for beginners....
Standing Poses are the foundation of a yoga practice. They serve two purposes: structural/physical and psychological. On the physical level, they strengthen the legs, open the hips, improve our stamina, provide a cardio element to our practice, and teach us how to build our poses from...
When I do this pose on a daily or every-other-day basis, it balances out the habitual patterns of keyboarding, mousing, cutting vegetables, holding the steering wheel, you name it – all the things that tend to kink my neck and shoulders....
Time for the wrap-up on our Supta Padangusthasana posts. In earlier posts, I discussed keeping the femur bone of the lowered leg in the socket and grounded on the floor and using straps to maintain balance in the hips thereby tractioning the lower back. With...