One of the tasks of yoga is to shine a light on our conditioning so that we can recognize when we're living in a robotic state and perhaps decide to change our behavior, to get out of the rut, and change our habits....
This year has been the least busy year of my life and for that I'm truly grateful. An article I read this morning on helped me clarify this for myself.
Magic is actually very down to earth. It’s a part of our lives. It’s going...
I take great joy in my meditation practice. Generally, I practice meditation using the heart-centered techniques of Savitri. These deeply profound techniques, which Savitri calls Snacks, give me a method to move away from the thoughts of my mind and instead choose to connect deeply...
In the Yoga Sutras, Patanjali lays out the ashtanga path of yoga, detailing the 8 limbs of any yoga practice as yama (controlling the organs of action), niyama (controlling the organs of perception), asana (poses), pranayama (breath work), pratyahara (withdrawal of the senses), dharana (concentration),...