27 Jul 2015 Stillpoint
In a recent article on Salon.com, author Anne Lamott, shared everything she knows in a handy list. One of my favorite items is this:
Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you.
This is exactly why I dedicate my Movement Center class on the last Tuesday of each month to restoratives. Restorative yoga has a wealth of benefits, all of which work to reverse the effect of stress on the body. Since almost all disorders, diseases, and health issues have a stress component, learning how to rest can increase your health and well-being. Restoratives soothe and thereby strengthen the nervous system, boost the immune system, nuture the tissue of the physical heart as well as lowering your heart rate, improve sleep, and can even help you lose weight.
This Tuesday night at The Movement Center, I’ll be teaching a restorative technique called Still Point. Aadil is demonstrating this technique to students at a recent workshop at Purna Yoga East in the above photo. Still Point can take you into a deeply relaxing state very quickly, so it’s an effective way to get the benefits of restorative work in a relatively short amount of time.
See you on Tuesday night!
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