10 Oct 2019 Oct 12th: The How, Where, and Why of Forward Bends
The How, Where, and Why of Forward Bends
Join Letitia Walker on October 12th, 2019 • 1-4 pm
Purna Yoga 828 • $60
(PY828 members: call the studio to reserve your discounted rate)
In this workshop, you will learn:
- where anatomically Forward Bends should happen to bend safely and effectively
- how to work with the body to make Forward Folds more accessible
- why Forward Bending is worth pursuing in the first place!
Forward Bends are some of the most soothing poses for the nervous system. But they can be problematic for the body (the spine, the sacral-iliac joint, the hamstrings) if they don’t originate from proper place anatomically. Find out how to forward fold from the right place in your body so your spine, back of your thighs and nervous system all benefit from these magical poses that calm the brain and soothe the heart.
Join Letitia for a 3-hour mini-workshop that will make the anatomical action of the pelvis in forward bends clear as well as offer tools to address tension, tightness, and resistance in these areas, while presenting a variety of forward bends to practice (reclining, standing, sitting) finding the action in your body.
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