11 Aug 2016 Sept 30-Oct 2: Skills for a Soul-based Life with Brad Waites
Skills for a Soul-based Life with Brad Waites
September 30th, October 1st and 2nd, 2016 • One Center Yoga
Early-Bird Rate: $225 • After September 16: $245
Skills for a Soul-based Life. This workshop is about choice and freedom. We live in a cause and effect world: you act on a choice; you get a result. When you choose, as most everyone does, from habit, desire, or mental analysis, you become a slave to life’s rollercoaster of fulfillment and disappointment, clarity and confusion, and you will never exit that ride.
There is a solution. Millennia of spiritual practice have shown that you can establish a clear and conscious communication with an inner wisdom and truth that you have (that everyone has!), and then live from that connection. You can get off the rollercoaster, establish some peace and purpose in your life, and start making decisions that have the best outcome for you and everyone around you. It’s the one way you can be consistently fulfilled in life, and this workshop will give you the Purna Yoga template for making it happen.
In this workshop, you will learn:
The one story that is happening in the Universe (yes, there is only one) and your role in that story, also known as your life’s purpose or dharma
Heartfull Meditation™ techniques that will help you to connect with and listen to your inner wisdom
Purna Yoga asana strategies to free you from the limitations of your past and open you to the potential of your future
How your routine, daily life is offering you a rich playing field for growth and transformation, and how you can take advantage of that opportunity and make your life your practice
You will leave the workshop with a clear understanding of practical, manageable, and proven practices that will help you live a better life in a better way. Brad’s blending of asana, meditation, and philosophical lecture takes you deeper into aspect of the work, each section building on the previous. He knows from his own experience that these techniques can get you off the rollercoaster and help you to create a life that is more consistently fulfilling and beautiful. Join Brad and find the freedom to choose with wisdom, clarity, and love.
This workshop is an all-inclusive one (although Friday night, Saturday morning, and Sunday morning will be made available as drop-in classes after September 1st).
Friday, Sept. 30th – 6 – 8 pm
Session One: setting an intention through movement and meditation
Saturday, Oct. 1st – 9 am – Noon
Session Two: bring your soul into your life through the legs and core
Saturday, Oct. 1st – 2 – 4 pm
Session Three: take your asana deeper with Heartfull Meditation
Sunday, Oct. 2nd – 9 am – Noon
Session Four: use asana to see a new perspective and be in the present
Sunday, Oct. 2nd – 1 – 3 pm
Session Five: learning to choose with wisdom, clarity and love
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