27 May 2018 200-Hour Teacher Training at Purna Yoga 828
Memorable teachers teach people, not poses. – Aadil Palkhivala
- Would you like to enrich your personal yoga practice?
- Do you have an interest in sharing with others the many gifts of a yoga practice that has impacted your life so beautifully?
- Do you want to do something really fun, learn more about yoga, challenge yourself and develop great friendships along the way?
- Are you looking for ways to deepen or begin a meditation practice and connect more fully with your soul’s purpose?
- Do you want to know the hows and not just the whys of a safe, effective yoga practice?
Then the Purna Yoga College at Purna Yoga 828 has something for you!
Learn the foundation of Purna Yoga at the 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training Program. Learn more about yoga – and yourself – through the four petals of Purna Yoga.
- Alignment-based asana and Prānāyama
- Heartfull™ Meditation
- Nutrition and Lifestyle choices
- Applied Philosophy
Deepen yourself and your practice through the asana and Heartfull™ Meditation. Apply the philosophy to recruit the courage and strength from within to become your true self and live a life of joy and love. Use the tools of nutrition and embracing a healthy lifestyle to nourish yourself on all levels.
The topics and teachings are taught in a spiral format which allows you to absorb, process and delve into each section of the training. Each topic repeats throughout the training allowing a deeper clarity and integration of the knowledge. The training provides the guidance and teaching skills of in-depth, precise, clear instruction to keep students safe through various teaching exercises. Experience Purna Yoga asana classes, meditation, applied philosophy, and nutrition. Learn how to teach safe and effective alignment-based asana.
You will graduate with an expertise, professionalism, confidence, and skill to offer your students the attention to safety and care. You will emerge with the ability to teach a variety of classes; the confidence, caring and compassion that keeps your students safe and growing; and the inspiration that makes Yoga a powerful tool for transformation.
You will be among the most knowledgeable and well-trained alignment-based asana teachers among 200-hour graduates.
I would advise someone contemplating the journey that it is a wonderful trip! It will open you to things you hadn't imagined possible. Content is expansive. Instructor is awesome, warm, welcoming. Support of studio and other instructors is fabulous. – Gayle Murray, Educator
Our core curriculum covers:
- Asana (yoga poses) with a focus on alignment for safety and Prānāyama (appropriate breathing techniques)
- Purna Yoga Meditation Snacks: Heartfull™ Meditation
- Healthy living and nutrition
- Applied yogic philosophy
You will also learn:
- Anatomy and physiology of Asana and Prānāyama
- Ability to view and understand bodies, and provide beneficial, hands-on adjustments
- The benefits and contraindications of asana to keep all bodies safe, and the use of props to enhance the benefits for all students
- How to teach students who have injuries and health conditions effectively
- Delivery, presentation and class control, especially in teaching beginners
- The benefits and effects of nutrition and yogic lifestyle on your students, your teaching, and your life
- Ethics, business, and the professional and energetic boundaries of teaching
- How to incorporate timeless yogic philosophy into your classes and daily life
- How to focus your mind and awaken your intuition through the simple, practical, and effective techniques of Heartfull™ Meditation
- The powerful feeling of welcoming your soul into your body and life, so you can be a better teacher and live a joyful, purposeful life.
The course runs over 9 weekends from September 28, 2018 through April 7, 2019
Fridays 5:00-9:00 pm
Saturdays and Sundays 8:00 am-5:00 pm (with a one-hour lunch break)
September 28-30, 2018
October 12-14, 2018
October 26-28, 2018 (full weekend with Aadil Palkhivala, Purna Yoga co-founder)
November 30-December 2, 2018
January 4-6, 2019
January 25-27, 2019
March 1-3, 2019
March 22-24, 2019
April 5-7, 2019 (graduation weekend)
Non-refundable Application Fee $300
Early-Bird Tuition $2,900 (submit your application and fee by August 15, 2018 to save $400!)
Regular Tuition $3,300
Tuition does not include lodging, food, books and materials, or travel expenses or application fee.
Secure your Early-Bird Tuition by submitting your application with the application fee by August 15, 2018.
Please complete the application and bring or mail to Purna Yoga 828, with the $300 non-refundable application fee (pay by check, payable to Purna Yoga 828, or online through the payment window below), to:
The College of Purna Yoga at Purna Yoga 828
697 D Haywood Rd
Asheville, NC 28806
Applications received after August 15, 2018 will not be eligible for the Early-Bird rate.
We will contact you by email within three weeks of receiving your application to confirm your acceptance.
Required textbooks for the 200-hour course:
Fire of Love by Aadil Palkhivala (available at Purna Yoga 828)
The Sunlit Path by The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram (available at Purna Yoga 828)
Trail Guide to the Body, 4th Edition by Andrew Biel
Trail Guide to the Body, Student Workbook 4th Edition, by Andrew Biel
Teaching Purna Yoga: 200-Hour Program Manual NEW AND REVISED for 2018! by Aadil Palkhivala (provided to students by Purna Yoga 828)

The 200-hour course at Purna Yoga 828 is taught by Catharine Eberhart, CPYI, 500 E-RYT, with Letitia Walker, CPYI, 500-RYT assisting. Aadil Palkhivala, Purna Yoga co-founder, will be leading one weekend.
The teachers of the 200-hour Level are Certified Purna Yoga Instructors with over 2,000 hours of training, practice, and apprenticing. They are also registered with Yoga Alliance as E-RYTs (“Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher”) at the 200 or 500-hour levels (the highest level awarded). They have been hand-selected by Purna Yoga founders Aadil Palkhivala and Savitri, and have studied under them personally for many years to achieve the level of being a Purna Yoga College faculty member. The members of the college faculty have made very deep commitments to their own practice of Purna Yoga as well as to serving others and carrying on the Purna Yoga lineage by training teachers.
This course is wonderful, works cannot describe the amount of information contained. The instructor's knowledge and presentation was excellent (clear and concise) The most valuable things gained for me are truly living from the heart, the depth of knowledge of the asana and anatomy, meditation and all the wonderful friendships that have been formed with classmates. – Hank Harris, Building Contractor
What certificate will I receive?
With your successful completion of the program requirements (course hours and homework) you will earn the 200-Hour Course Completion Certificate from Purna Yoga College. This Certificate enables you to register with the Yoga Alliance at the 200-hour level.
What is the Yoga Alliance?
The Yoga Alliance was created to establish national standards for yoga teachers. Over the years, it has grown to become the nationally recognized body of yoga teacher training standards. Yoga Alliance does not certify teachers; instead it provides a list of teachers who have fulfilled certain yoga teacher training minimum standards. Those standards make up the 200-hour level and the 500-hour level of most teacher training programs today. Most studios and yoga teaching venues require teachers to be registered with the Yoga Alliance in order to teach yoga.
When can I register with Yoga Alliance?
With your successful completion of the program requirements (course hours and homework) you will earn the 200-Hour Course Completion Certificate from Purna Yoga College. This certificate is the documentation that you need to complete your application to become a Registered Yoga Teacher at the 200-hour Level, becoming a “RYT-200.”
Are there payment plans available?
Yes! Students may choose between a variety of plans, including a one-time payment, two payments, or nine payments.
What if I miss a class?
To receive your Course Completion Certificate and be eligible for Yoga Alliance registration, you must complete 100% of the classes and requirements. In addition, you must attend the first 5 modules of the course. However, we understand that you may not be able to foresee every conflict, so we have devised the following procedures if you must miss a class.
If you miss more than 30 minutes of a module (4 hour course), either by arriving late or leaving early, you will not receive credit for that module, and the entire module will have to be made-up.
Any missed modules may be made up in the following ways:
• If you miss 1-3 modules (up to 12 hours), you may still complete the program by making up missed classes by taking private lessons with a teacher training instructor. One module (4 hours) = 1.5 hours of private instruction, at a cost of $90 per 1.5 hour session. Private lesson make-ups must be completed within 30 days of the completion of your course.
• If you miss more than 3 modules, you may continue in the course, but you will not be eligible for a Course Completion Certificate. If you wish to receive a Course Completion Certificate, you will have to retake the course making up the necessary hours and modules.
How many people will be in class?
Class size at Purna Yoga 828 is limited to 18 students.
Will I have homework?
Yes, you will have two books to read and anatomy workbook pages to complete. Expect about 20 hours of homework during the 200-hour course.
How much should I expect to pay for books and materials?
Your books should cost around $100. You can purchase them at the studio, order them online, or find them at other book retailers.
I am coming from out of town. Where can I stay?
We will provide you with a list of local recommended accommodations, ranging from rooms in houses, AirBnB’s, hotels and bed & breakfasts, as well as transportation options. Many students find that they prefer to set up carpools and shared lodgings with their classmates while they are here. We regret that, due to privacy concerns, we are not able to share directory information with students until the course has begun.
After I graduate, where will I be able to teach?
Upon completion, you will be able to apply to teach alignment-based yoga at a variety of venues, such as studios, gyms, park departments, and schools. While there are no legal requirements for teaching yoga, most studios require their teachers to be registered with Yoga Alliance. The 200-hour level of training will equip you to teach basic classes; your teaching repertoire will grow as you increase your level of training.
What is your refund policy?
Within five business days of receipt by Purna Yoga College of your signed enrollment agreement, you may withdraw and be refunded all money paid. After five days, but before the program starts, you may withdraw and receive all money paid, except the $300 application fee. Once the program begins, refunds are calculated according to the following:
If you complete this much of the program; You will be refunded this much of your tuition:
• One week or up to 10%, whichever is less; 90% will be refunded.
• More than one week or 10% (whichever is less), but not more than 25%; 75% will be refunded.
• 25%-50% of the course; 50% will be refunded.
• 50% or more of the course; no refund.
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