18 May 2015 Come to center.
Think back to a day when you were a multi-tasking maniac, holding a million thoughts in your head, and hoping to keep all the balls in the air. You were busy but not necessarily productive. Or maybe it was a day when you were scattered, unable to focus, lost in daydreams or just procrastinating rather than paying attention to what truly matters in your life. By the end of the day, you’re not even sure what you spent your day doing. Perhaps you’ve had a day when you felt like you spent all your time in your mind, thinking too many thoughts, spinning your wheels. Perhaps you were even angry, annoyed, tired or suffering from headaches or insomnia.
These are exactly the days that call for one of the core Heartfull Meditation techniques: Centering the Mental Energy. Centering the Mental Energy gives us the chance to live our lives by design, not default, listening to our deepest inner wisdom and inner voice, rather than just the thoughts in the mind and the voice of the ego.
When we Center the Mental Energy, we are setting the intention that we are more than just our thoughts. Centering keeps us grounded in the present moment, not in the past and the future.
When we’re centered, we are making a choice as to what we want to think about, so we can focus on the things that really matter to us.
And the best thing is, this technique can be done quickly and easily, so you can move on with your day, connected to who you truly are within. I use this technique consistently throughout the day to feel more focused, calm, connected to my dharma (life purpose) and, of course, centered.
The best way to learn how to Center the Mental Energy is in class. Nothing beats the individualized instruction and moment-to-moment adjustment and correction that leads to a deeper practice. We start every class with the Centering technique. Check out our schedule to see which class is right for you. If more meditation is your bag, I recommend the Purna Yoga and Heartfull Meditation class at One Center Yoga on Mondays at 3 p.m.
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