11 Dec 2022 New Class Alert: Meditation & Movement starts Jan. 4th
Starting January 4th, we’re adding a meditation-focused class to our weekly schedule! Join Whitney and Letitia as they share the teaching duties for this new class that centers the practice of Yoga as more than just physical.
Before Covid, our Monday morning class, Heartfull Asana, was a blend of 30 minutes of Heartfull Meditation and an hour of gentle asana connected to that meditative feeling. In March of 2020, we took the 30 minutes of meditation online as a private gathering. Once we pivoted back to in-studio offerings, we kept the meditation portion of our Monday morning class online, opened it up to all our students, but no longer had an in-studio class on the schedule that melded Heartfull Meditation and asana.
That changes in 2023. New in-studio Class Alert: Meditation & Movement begins Wednesday, January 4th at 9 am. This class began formulating during our recent Wednesday morning Start Yoga Now series. That series’ students weren’t exactly beginners, even if they were new to Purna Yoga, and they were drawn to its more meditative and philosophical aspects. Whitney and Letitia started introducing more Heartfull® Meditation techniques, then incorporated chanting the Gayatri, while still giving personal attention and specialized encouragement for the asana portions of class. Students found the mix of Whitney and Letitia and the emphasis on the total practice of Yoga to be “truly magical,” and a new class was born.
We’re excited to add this new class to the schedule. If you’ve been missing the mix of meditation and asana that we had with Heartfull Asana or are looking for a morning class with a diverse group of students both in ages and bodies, join us on Wednesday mornings in January for Meditation & Movement: a mix of Heartfull Meditation, Svadyaya (self-study), and an exploration of the how and why of Asana (poses).
Appropriate for both beginners and experienced practitioners! Expect to work on a variety of poses: standing poses, simple twists, chest openers and simple backbends, as well as preparations for Head Stand and Shoulder Stand. Variations are given as needed for each student to access the movements in a variety of poses.
Letitia and I have so much fun co-teaching our Start Yoga Now series, and we’re really excited to bring that sense of fun and community to an all-levels class. The students already coming to this time slot are delightful and dedicated, and we want it to grow! It’s a great group and we hope you’ll join us.
Sign up through our online calendar either as a drop-in, with your class pass, or a monthly membership.
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