02 Jan 2020 Jan 18th: Classical Surya Namaskar Workshop
Find Your Flow with Classical Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutations)
Join Mili Perez & Letitia Walker on January 18th, 2020 • 1-4 pm
Purna Yoga 828 • $60
(PY828 members: call the studio to reserve your discounted rate)
In this workshop, you’ll learn:
• the series itself and how to modify it for your body
• how to flow with the breath & work with your gaze (drishti) to find meditation in motion
• the 9-breath, 7-breath, & 5-breath versions & how to add in standing poses
• the magic of Classical Surya Namaskar for instigating change in our lives
It’s the 5th annual Classical Surya Namaskar workshop! Who knew, when Mili and I first started this January tradition that 5 years later we’d still be doing it! But here’s the thing, Classical Surya Namaskar is the oldest extant physical practice. Period. Anything with that kind of longevity holds endless possibilities for refinement, exploration, discovery, and fulfillment.
Last year, when Mili and I studied with Aadil at Purna Yoga East, he gave a workshop specifically focusing on tips for flowing in Surya Namaskar. This year, we’re going to be sharing those tips as well as spending extra time on modifications to make this practice adaptable for anyone who wants to practice it. We’ve even got a version in a chair that we want to show you!
And believe me, we understand the value of modifications! When I first started practicing the classical form of Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutations), it was so challenging. The drop down baffled me. I couldn’t get my breath to contain my movements. Often, my left shoulder or wrists would feel a little tweaky afterwards. Now I know that those challenging elements of Surya Namaskar were exactly the things that needed attention in my body. AND that Surya Namaskar was a practice that could change them. Because that’s what Surya Namaskar does: it brings change, growth, awakening.
With Surya Namaskar, we can open our hips and shoulders. We can strengthen our legs, arms, wrists, and core. It also stimulates the thyroid gland and energizes the kidneys. The energetic benefits are bountiful as well: it ground us in the present moment while connecting us to our center; relieves frustration in the mind; and allows us to take time to connect with our inner light, to honor our inner sun. I, personally, have used this series to move through fear, grief, confusion, disappointment, and anger as well as shoulder and wrist issues.
Mili and I have been practicing Surya Namaskar consistently since 2004 and we’re looking forward to sharing what we’ve learned about this magical series. We’ll help each student find the right modification that will make Surya Namaskar more accessible while allowing for progress at every level.
Let’s explore the secrets of this timeless vinyasa, as we share what we’ve learned from our own experience as well as information passed down from our teacher, Aadil Palkhivala.
The new year can be a time of change, of new beginnings. Use this workshop as a spring-board for any new elements you wish to bring into your life in 2020.
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