31 Dec 2022 Jan 21st: Surya Namaskar: From the Physical to the Spiritual
Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutations): From the Physical to the Spiritual
Join Letitia Walker & Whitney Shroyer either In-Studio or Online
January 21st, 2023 • 1-3:30 pm
$60 ($54 for PY828 Monthly Members)
Access recording until February 21st
In-person attendees capped at 12 • Live attendance not necessary for online students • 30 days access to recording
In this workshop, you’ll learn:
• the series itself and how to modify it for your body
• how to flow with the breath & work with your gaze (drishti) to find meditation in motion
• the 9-breath, 7-breath, & 5-breath versions & how to add in standing poses
• how to introduce energetic practices like connecting to grounding, cooling energies versus rising, heating energies and chanting to harness the power of Surya Namaskar to instigate and navigate change in our lives
The last time we had a Surya Namaskar workshop was three years ago: January 18, 2020. For many years, teaching this workshop every January was a tradition for Letitia and Mili Perez. We’ve taken a break from this workshop since then, but now it’s time to bring it back! This time with new information, refinement, and focus AND a new co-teacher! Whitney is joining Letitia in team-teaching this popular favorite.
In 2021, Aadil introduced a strength-building change to the classical form, adding in Salabhasana as the strengthening pose for the back body to counterbalance the front-body strengthening pose of Phalankhasana. While we’ve been incorporating this change in our regular classes, we’re looking forward to introducing the new insights Aadil has shared in 2022 that help practitioners bring a more energetic focus to the practice. For those of us who have been practicing Surya Namaskar for years, these energetic practices open up a new mode of experiencing this ancient series.
With Surya Namaskar, we can open our hips and shoulders. We can strengthen our legs, arms, wrists, and core. It also stimulates the thyroid gland and energizes the kidneys. The energetic benefits are bountiful as well: it grounds us in the present moment while connecting us to our center; relieves frustration in the mind; and allows us to take time to connect with our inner light, to honor our inner sun. Letitia, personally, has used this series to move through fear, grief, confusion, disappointment, and anger as well as shoulder and wrist issues.
Whitney and I have been practicing Surya Namaskar consistently for well over a decade and we’re looking forward to sharing what we’ve learned about this magical series in the last two years. We’ll help each student find the right modification that will make Surya Namaskar more accessible while allowing for progress at every level.
The following props are recommended. For at home participants, to get the most out of this experience, it would be helpful to have the following. We’ll have all of this for students to use at the studio.
- a yoga mat
- two blocks and/or two Three-Minute Eggs
- a blanket
For online participants, you’ll get the most out of this workshop if we can see your whole body from head to toe as well as be able to move in closely to view demos or work close to the camera.
In-person attendees are capped at 12 to allow adequate space for all. Masks are optional but encouraged in the studio. Live attendance is not necessary for online participants. All students will receive the class recording and have access to that recording until February 21st. There will be a designated demo model for online participants to be able to view at all times.
Let’s explore the secrets of this timeless vinyasa, as we share what we’ve learned from our own experience as well as information passed down from our teacher, Aadil Palkhivala.
The new year can be a time of change, of new beginnings. Use this workshop as a spring-board for any new elements you wish to bring into your life in 2023.
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