06 Dec Dec 14th: Purna Yoga Nidra
Set an intention for the upcoming year and plant the seed for growth and change during this extended, guided Shavasana on our one year anniversary and B. K. S. Iyengar's 100th birthday....
Set an intention for the upcoming year and plant the seed for growth and change during this extended, guided Shavasana on our one year anniversary and B. K. S. Iyengar's 100th birthday....
Take this opportunity to nurture yourself with the Queen of asana poses: Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand). Cultivate the flexibility and refine your personal set-up for this beautiful pose that nourishes the digestive and immune systems – especially the thyroid gland....
Have you been working on your strength and flexibility and now you're ready for the next stage of practicing Headstand? Here's the perfect opportunity to work at the next level of Shirsasana safely and effectively....
Time for another Great Yoga Wall mini-workshop! This time we'll focus on Standing Poses, Twists, and Backbends, building on each to bring more mobility in the hips, shoulders, intercostals, the muscles of the back, and the spine....
Spend a weekend, immersed in practice, with Aadil Palkhivala. Learn more about yourself, your body, and your connection to your local & global communities. Registration is now open....
Examine, explore the origins, & let go of unconscious beliefs about your body. Create a new paradigm for health and beauty built on self-love and acceptance which allows you to live fully in freedom....
Explore the healing powers of writing as a spiritual practice. With gentle asana and Heartfull Meditation, you will be guided through simple and fun writing exercises to tap into your heart's wisdom. No experience necessary in yoga or writing. Bring an open mind and a...
Create strength in the body, calm in the nerves, and find a deeper awareness of the mind, body, breath connection with this 2-hour class with certified Purna Yoga instructor, Mili Perez. ...
Rest deeply in comfortable, supported postures as you receive the subtle – yet powerful – healing touch of pranic therapy. Ayurvedic essential oil blends applied to various marma (or energy) points throughout the body assist in releasing blockages in the flow of prana, and support...
Take this opportunity to learn more about your body and your practice of Adho Mukha Shvanasana (Downward-Facing Dog Pose) with the mini-workshop with Letitia on April 14th, from 1 to 3 pm, at Purna Yoga 828. Registration is now open....