April 13th, 20th, 27th: Hip Therapeutics Yoga Wall Intensive

Supta Padangusthasana in Traction | Purna Yoga 828

April 13th, 20th, 27th: Hip Therapeutics Yoga Wall Intensive

The Great Yoga Wall™ Series: Hip Therapeutics

Thursdays, April 13th, 20th, & 27th • 5:30 – 7:30 pm

One Center Yoga • $90 for all three sessions

Register by calling One Center Yoga: 828-225-1904

The Hips: the source of our mobility, one of the connections between the axial and appendicular skeleton, and the storage center of our emotional stories and creative desires. As one of the two major ball and socket joints in the body, the hip joint is constantly compressed and compacted as we move through daily life. What this joint calls out for is traction and decompression.


Tractioning the hips using the Great Yoga Wall gives the joint itself as well as the muscles that act on the hips an opportunity to create more space. In creating space, we’re creating freedom. When the hips are open and balanced, we have greater range of motion, greater ease of movement, and the opportunity to let go of emotional baggage that we may have stored.


In this three-part series:

Experience how traction can release and open your hips in a variety of poses to give you greater freedom of movement so that you can move forward in your life more easily, both literally and figuratively.

Pricing: $90 for all three sessions, paid in advance
Attendance capped at 8 students
Drop-in rate (if space available): $40 per session

Letitia Walker
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