Yesterday I traveled from Asheville to Jefferson City, Missouri with my husband Whitney, our senior dog Orson, and our newly adopted puppy (one week tomorrow!), Edie Peach, for the 50th wedding anniversary party for Whitney's folks.  Traveling with Orson is old hat, but with Edie...

"Without the sustained intention of focusing on the present, and calming the mind, going to a yoga class is literally just going through the motions." - "Yoga: Changing the Brain's Stressful Habits" by Alex Korb, Ph.D from his PreFrontal Nudity column for Psychology Today I found this...

In the Yoga Sutras, Patanjali lays out the ashtanga path of yoga, detailing the 8 limbs of any yoga practice as yama (controlling the organs of action), niyama (controlling the organs of perception), asana (poses), pranayama (breath work), pratyahara (withdrawal of the senses), dharana (concentration),...

Saying nutrition is a huge part of my yoga practice is an understatement. I'm just as conscious of what I eat as what poses I practice and how much time I spend meditating.  Changing my diet to an anti-inflammatory one has been instrumental in bringing...

Last week, my chosen "every day" pose was Setu Bandha Sarvangasana. I picked this pose for two reasons: I don't particularly like it and I felt like my psoas, quadratus lumborum and erector spinae muscles were tight. I hoped in picking Setu Bandha to develop...

I don't know if this happens often in my kitchen, and I can't figure out what exactly comes together as the sun streams through the windows to make this shape, but at 10:08 this morning, a heart made of sunshine appeared on my kitchen floor. I'm...

[caption id="attachment_619" align="aligncenter" width="480"] Mindfulness Coach Chade-Meng Tan[/caption] I'm still not sure what I think of this entire article from Wired Magazine but I find this quote very interesting and his instruction reminiscent of Purna Yoga meditation techniques. "As before, Meng’s voice lowers and slows to a...

Summertime is travel time, and lately, all my students are asking me for travel yoga poses. Whether they are anticipating being hemmed in to a tight space on an airplane or sitting for hours on long road trips, every one wants to know how to...